Simple answer - you can't. The internal structure of the .rpt file changed dramatically when Crystal 9 was released. Reports updated in Crystal 2016 will have this new format which the 8.5 version of the SDK will not work with.\\nSo, you'll need to either upgrade your entire application to .NET or create a new web application or service in VB.NET that can be called by your existing application to view reports. You can find information and downloads for the .NET SDK here: +Reports%2C+Developer+for+Visual+Studio+Downloads \\nThere are some tricks to getting the reports to upgrade correctly. If a report only uses tables that are linked together in the Database Explorer and does NOT have any manual changes to the SQL, you'll just have to open it in 2016 and save it. However, if ANY changes have been made to the SQL - even just changing the table owner/schema - you'll have to recreate the report from scratch using a "Command" (SQL Select Statement). Modifying the SQL created by Crystal is no longer allowed and my experience doing this is that even though it looks like the links between the tables are still there, you'll get a cartesian join because Crystal won't be able to "see" them. For more information about using commands, see my blog here: -practices-when-using-commands-with-crystal-reports/.\\n-Dell\",\"author\":\"username\":\"dell.stinnett-christy\",\"displayName\":\"Dell Stinnett-Christy\",\"groupIcons\":[\"name\":\"champion\",\"title\":\"This user is an SAP Champion\",\"priority\":14,\"name\":\"moderator\",\"title\":\"This user is an SAP Moderator\",\"priority\":20],\"suspended\":false,\"isCurrentUser\":false,\"id\":12958446,\"posted\":1579629011000,\"votes\":0,\"isAccepted\":false,\"isLocked\":false,\"userVoted\":\"\",\"relations\":\"canCancelAccept\":false,\"canUnlock\":false,\"canUseDelete\":false,\"canVoteDownOrCancel\":false,\"canLock\":false,\"canAccept\":false,\"type\":\"answer\",\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"isCurrentUserAuthor\":false,\"attachments\":[]}]"), answerForm: formAction: "/answers/12958282/post.json", textareaName: "body", textareaErrors: "", isAttachmentsEnabled: true, answerEditorialGuideline: title: "Before answering", content: "You should only submit an answer when you are proposing a solution to the poster\'s problem. If you want the poster to clarify the question or provide more information, please leave a comment instead, requesting additional details. When answering, please include specifics, such as step-by-step instructions, context for the solution, and links to useful resources. Also, please make sure that your answer complies with our Rules of Engagement.", links: [ title: "Rules of Engagement", href: " -of-engagement.html", ] , answerMinBodyLength: '10', answerMaxBodyLength: '20000' , currentUser: sapInternalId: '', permissions: canVoteUpOrCancel: false, canVoteDownOrCancel: false, canModerate: false, , isVotedUp: false, isVotedDown: false , alerts: alertModeratorMinLength : "It should be given a proper explanation about why the content is inappropriate.", alertModeratorMinLengthValue : "10", alreadyReportedMessage : "You already have an active moderator alert for this content." , url: profileApiBaseUrl: '', followUnfollowQuestion: '/sap/nodeSubscription.json', isFollowingQuestion: '/sap/isFollowingNode.json', vote: voteUp: '/commands/0/voteup.json', voteDown: '/commands/0/votedown.json', cancelVote: '/commands/0/cancelvote.json' , rss: answers: '/feed/12958282/answers.rss', answersAndComments: '/feed/12958282/comments-and-answers.rss' , authorizeUploadContext: type: 'answer' , atMention: userSearchServiceUrl: ' ', currentUserName: '', useNewUSSCORS: true, atMentionDelayMs: 100, showMentionInRedactor: true , attachmentSettings: commentMaxAttachments: '2', answerMaxAttachments: '10', commentMaxAttachmentSizeBytes: '1048576', answerMaxAttachmentSizeBytes: '1048576', commentAttachmentsSizeBytesTotal: '2097152', answerAttachmentsSizeBytesTotal: '10485760' , editor: editorClipboardUploadEnabled: true }) })(); Home
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Login / Sign-up Search Questions and Answers 0 Adithya None Jan 21, 2020 at 07:10 AM from 8.5 to 2016 for vb6 application 297 Views Follow RSS Feed Due to Date format issue after 01/01/2020 we need to migrate to 2016 version of crystal Reports, i have few concerns.
How to incorporate the existing reports in vb6 as this version changed the complete stuff, since for 8.5 we used openreports in vb6 to open but now it is throwing errors. please provide me a sample code to add them.
crystal reports 8.5 download vb6
Hi there,Can anyone help me out,I am using crystal reports 8.5 and visual basic 6.0I created a report and want to call it using vb6.0 and then show it?How can i do this??PS: I tried using crviewer but could not get anything (when i run, either the form is blank and gets hanged up)Thanks very much in advanceI am attaching the code I used :---------------------------------------------------------------------------Dim CRXApplication As CRAXDDRT20.Application Dim CRXReport As CRAXDDRT20.reportDim CRXDatabase As CRAXDDRT20.DatabaseDim db As New ADODB.ConnectionDim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Peter RE: crystal Report 8.5 & VB6 Guest (visitor)6 Apr 02 20:16OK. Under what option in Crystal Report do I find this Wizard.I try the help utility but it doesn't display anything similar.Upps! I forgot to thank you for trying to help. RE: crystal Report 8.5 & VB6 petermeachem (Programmer)7 Apr 02 05:10menu Report, the Report Distribution Expert. Don't know if it is every version Peter RE: crystal Report 8.5 & VB6 PcProgrammer (Programmer)(OP)8 Apr 02 08:37I search in crystal report site and it was a download file that I have to install.After the installation and running the file, it indicates that two dll were not found. MSPDOX40.DLL and MSXBSE40.DLL, I check my hard disk and this files doesn't exist. I also generate a search for this files under cystal report site and the result was 0 files.Do you know anything about this two files. I try creating a simple report, it only display the employee name, but it keeps indicating that this two files are missing. RE: crystal Report 8.5 & VB6 petermeachem (Programmer)10 Apr 02 14:51Msxbse40 appears to be a dbase file driver and MSPDOX40 as Paradox driver. I'm not sure why you would need these, but if you look on google you will find plenty of references, such as !OpenDocument Peter RE: crystal Report 8.5 & VB6 jitendra (Programmer)26 Apr 02 04:09I Have Designed the Crystal Report ,But When i m trying to Pass Parameter Using Visual Basic Im not able to do thatLike txFormula = "Employees.LastName = 'King'" CrystalReport1.ReplaceSelectionFormula txtFormulaHow can I define the Selection criteria..? RE: crystal Report 8.5 & VB6 alan2624 (Programmer)10 May 02 09:34I ran into this same problem and Crystal has a problem with the dependancy files for the OCX.Take a look at this from the Crystal Knowledge base RE: crystal Report 8.5 & VB6 Guest (visitor)16 May 02 10:56Go to and search for scr8_distr_expert.exe. This will update your Crystal Reports 8 or 8.5 Developers Edition to include the ability to compile and distribute reports. Bob Mytnik RE: crystal Report 8.5 & VB6 Guest (visitor)19 May 02 12:21i need basic knowladge of crystal report an dit use and simple aaplication in visual basic . RE: crystal Report 8.5 & VB6 Guest (visitor)18 Jun 02 06:53Hi All, I have develop an application in Visual basic.I am using the crystal reports in visual basic.i made a setup to install this application to any other machine.i am registering crystl32.ocx control for using the crystal reports in my application .when i register it it gives the error "error 339:Component "Crystl32.OCX" or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid".What's the problem,If any one have an idea,please reply i shall be gratethankfull to you.]from kashif RE: crystal Report 8.5 & VB6 Guest (visitor)8 Aug 02 02:53The problem is that crystl32.ocx is the linking library that connects all the other required ocx's and dll together. it will not register if it does not have these required files : CRYSTL32.OCX CRPE32.DLL CRPAIG32.DLL CRXLAT32.DLL U2DDISK.DLL U2FDIF.DLL U2FREC.DLL U2FSEPV.DLL U2FTEXT.DLL P2BDAO.DLL P2CTDAO.DLL P2IRDAO.DLL P2SODBC.DLL P2BBND.DLL IMPLODE.DLLAlso do this -> {Goto support for crystal reports and download the dependancy walker run this on the machine that you app is reporting the error and point the walker to crystl32.ocx it will then tell you which dependancy files are missing. Remember some of theses may be system files so be sure of what you are adding to your distribution...It will display the missing dll or the dependency files requiredI got the above information from -bin/rbox/get/forums/software/76/2/1.htmlAnu:) RE: crystal Report 8.5 & VB6 Guest (visitor)8 Aug 02 03:23From whrer and how to register p2soledb.dll and cpeaut32.dllthanks googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1406030581151-2'); ); Red Flag This PostPlease let us know here why this post is inappropriate. Reasons such as off-topic, duplicates, flames, illegal, vulgar, or students posting their homework.CancelRed Flag SubmittedThank you for helping keep Tek-Tips Forums free from inappropriate posts.The Tek-Tips staff will check this out and take appropriate action. 2ff7e9595c